
Cooper says carrot is good for him too!
Pure carrot juice not only tastes good, it has a vast array of nutrients and health benefits.  It's also easily absorbed and highly cleansing.

Carrots are one of the most healing food, providing the finest and highest quality nutrients, especially in moderate juice form.

Carrots are an excellent source of pro-vitamin A in the form of carotene, along with vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.

Vitamin A  is essential and necessary for tissue growth, especially within the bones.  It is also very important in maintaining good vision.

Carrots are rich in biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium, plus lots of trace minerals. Carrots are also high in anti-oxidants and are loaded with enzymes.

Potassium is very important in helping to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance and fluid level in the cells of your body.  It's also necessary in muscle movement, such as contraction, as well as neurotransmission which enhances mental energy levels and metabolism functions of the brain for an overall sense of well being.

Phytonutrients are nature’s marvelous provision in healing various diseases. Carrots are also rich in phytonutrients, including lutein, lycopene, antioxidants, alpha, beta, and gamma carotenes, zeaxanthin, and xanthophylls.

I am not a nutritionist but I would be most happy to aid anyone who is interested in ultimate health.  I believe raw plant based living food is what our body needs every day,  for any high energy and mentally alert physical activities, and especially during times of sicknesses.  

Fresh and pure carrot juice is one of my recommendations.

For more information of how others have been helped, please read their statements.

©Joy Madden, July 2018